Stories, Country Blogs, Memories of a World Long Past By

My aim is simple – to entertain and bring a smile to your face.  I hope to transport you to a time long past, where life was simpler, challenges were rugged, and laughter was a common currency.
While these blogs may not serve as instructional guides, they hold immense value in preserving the memories and traditions of a world that has undergone profound changes. They allow us to connect with our roots, to understand the struggles and joys of those who tilled the land before us, and to appreciate the rich tapestry of rural life.
So, as you peruse these pages, I invite you to share in my reflections. Let’s journey together through the annals of history, embrace the challenges of yesteryears, and find humor in the everyday experiences that have shaped the world we know today.

An old farmer’s advice

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig tight and bull-strong.
Keeps skunks and bankers and lawyers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.

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Evening Prayers 

Today the wolves were in town. I hate this time of year, the snow blowing under porch seems to make the entire store cold. Like

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Morning Prayers 

Last night the wolves were in town. I hate this time of year, the snow blowing under porch seems to make the entire store cold.

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A Country Way of Life

A country way if life, this statement is not only a statement of the lifestyle you live but just as important as that is the people who live in you area with you

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A Wise man once said

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” 

I have no idea what Aristotle was thinking when he wrote that shit down. Knowing yourself, what a joke,

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Christmas Eve 1942

was Christmas Eve 1942. I was fifteen years old and feeling like the world had caved in on me because there just hadn’t been enough money to buy me the rifle that I’d wanted for Christmas. 

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She lied to get the job

The Truth Will Set You Free, Not!

The truth will set you free quote, I don’t remember the first time in my life someone spouted this line of BS. I would like you to think back in your life and remember the times telling the truth got you out of trouble. It Did Not Happen, so stop trying to tell another lie.

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The Post Turtle

When you happen along a turtle balanced atop on a fence post just sitting there looking stupid, that is a post turtle. The original story

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