Prairie House Supply

Stories and Blogs With A Country Twist

A Country Way of Life

A country way if life, this statement is not only a statement of the lifestyle you live but just as important as that is the people who live in you area with you. Any man can run off to Alaska, hike 100 miles away from everyone and build a house. Are you in the country now. Technically you would be way in the country, but that’s not a country way of life. That’s called running from life not enjoying it.

Another way to put it would be, if you lived in the suburbs on a long cul-de-sac. There would be twenty-five houses on the same street. If you pulled your blinds and never waved at a neighbor you could live there and be the same as the guy in Alaska.

So, a country way of life has less to do with your location and more to do with the people who live your life with you. If you don’t know the names of the people in the twenty closes houses around you. You’re not living a country way of life. Take my word for it, next spring organize a block party. It’s a lot safer place to live if everyone is friends. That’s a country way of life.

The Old Man

The New Bridge

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A Country Way of Life

A country way if life, this statement is not only a statement of the lifestyle you live but just as important as that is the people who live in you area with you