Prairie House Supply

Stories and Blogs With A Country Twist

Evening Prayers 

Today the wolves were in town. I hate this time of year, the snow blowing under porch seems to make the entire store cold. Like I said the wolves were in town. About noon the James brothers dropped off 4 young ponies. Sam said, Jessy just rode up and tossed him the lead rope. 

By the time I got my boots on to go out and talk to them. Frank, tossed two bags of silver coin and a heap of buffalo blankets on the Orphanage steps. Before I could even protest, Jessy tossed me a leather pouch and told me to pay for the things the town needed.  The wolves weren’t in town five min then gone.  

Us folks, here on the prairie, we don’t ask for or need much. Forgive me God, I know the wolves are here to make the herd strong. I don’t want to complain, and I’m not asking for me, but I just can’t help but think of the orphan kids. Not the ones here in town, but the ones left on the prairie where the wolves were hunting.  

Is it selfish of me to heat my store with the bounty of the hunt? should I let the town go without supplies just because others had to suffer. I just want to thank you lord for not making me a pastor. We both know he’s kneeling in front of that alter of yours begging for forgiveness, wrapped in a blanket taken from a dead man.  

God, it’s hard to celebrate the beauty of life, we all run so hard to stay in front of the wolves. 

Please God, Forgive the Wolves. 


The Old Man

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